January 12, 2008 journal, out of the mouth of a jackass behind comes his horse hockey. The outgoing president today in his press conference removed all doubt to the world that he is a blooming idiot. He spoke like a drunk of many of his disastrous decisions wherein he has put this nation on an immediate path of destruction. Talking about speaking out of school, this man has less brains than a monkey. He is unrepentant & the Church is silent. One reporter asked him if he had made any mistakes during his eight years and if so what was the latest one. He responded by saying he should not have tried to privatize Social Security and that it was a mistake to land on the aircraft carrier declaring victory in Iraq. He then turned the question to say he had been disappointed in some things, that he was disappointed that they found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Of course it was. However, he knew there was no weapons of mass destruction there all the time but he thought he could get by with it. He did say that he and his staff have had a lot of fun in the last eight years. That I believe. He said if you wanted to be famous then join the international war crimes tribunal. I am sure that slipped out from his subconscious fear. One thing he did not claim credit for even though he could have is a landslide victory for the Democratic Party. I keep thinking about the statement of "Nero fiddled while Rome burned". What a pity the evangelical Church invested and wasted their confidence in this man of death who rejoices in killing people even worse than Adolf Hitler if it is possible. He was asked about torture, he said he would do anything to "find out what the enemy is thinking". Sounds like he wanted to find out what we are all thinking worse than Richard Nixon and Watergate. He was not asked but he said he was protecting the Constitution. Imagine that. Talk about giving the fox the key to the henhouse. He has sure trampled the Constitution. He said he was connecting the dots, therefore he must take such action to protect the "Amurican" people. I am not sure he knows who the American people are. What a fried brain he has and disgrace to this great nation. May he experience firsthand being tried in The Hague for his ferocious war crimes he has committed under the false premise of fighting terrorism when he is the biggest terrorist of all & the most dangerous. He never mentioned his atrocities of a million violent deaths in Iraq and in Afghanistan adding to the blood on his hands and 4000 plus American soldiers and 30,000 wounded. He never mentioned being responsible for spending the nation bankrupt on these wars. Some day history will reveal he was a party to the Cheney gang and Israel in their attack. This is the second interview the president has given in the last two days admitting guilt in the torture issue. VP Cheney has also recently admitted authorizing torture of prisoners. The president and VP are fugitives from justice. It appears now more likely they will be held responsible for these awful deeds in a court of law or in the Hague war crimes trial. B*us*h was wobbling his head like a puppet gone loose revealing what a pitiful person he really is. He stated that he does not take matters serious and especially Media criticism. The president of the United States has just admitted to authorizing torture which is in violation of the Geneva Convention Treaty and not even Congress can change a treaty because it is a war crime. Exact words of his goofy press conference are posted on the crooksandliars.com website under Keith Olbermann of MSNBC Countdown program. Reporters will be talking about this interview for years testing the nation's perception of an idiot. The path of destruction this president has taken is unprecedented. He said he inherited a recession and he goes out leaving a recession but the recession began after he took office. No he did not rescue 30,000 off the roofs of New Orleans, that is another lie.